A dozen years ago today I made these three waterfront images. It was six years into our Rosslyn adventure. It is one third of the eighteen years that Rosslyn’s been our home. Now I revisit this waterfront retrospective with a tinge of nostalgia and a whimsical wonder about the future.

I tweak and adjust the color photographs into a sepia seeped triptych, corralling divergent palettes into monochromatic mementos.
A dozen years, so a little change. In most respects these photos could’ve been taken today. Except the lake level is higher today. No rocky ruins emerging east of the boathouse. A skinnier band of sandy beach. But otherwise pretty similar.

Even the mood. Sandwiched in between beautiful autumnal weather last week and again this coming week, yesterday afternoon and most of today have been glum. Cold. Rainy. Windy. Gray. 
Today’s weighty weather inspires the austere aura of this waterfront retrospective, an introspective retrospective. Looking back. Looking forward…

Drawn to this lakeside landmark long ago, I’m still sometimes uncertain about saying goodbye. So I sit with Susan and scheme up a new adventure. I draw lines together into floor plans and elevations, doodling with paper and words, as we conjure another lakeside lifestyle out of collective wants and wills.
Is this waterfront retrospective uncannily prospective? Or have we evolved toward a different collection of curiosities and creative possibilities?
So much still coalescing. So much flux and reimagining, brainstorming and experimentation. Each of us drawing on these 18 years, each of us pushing our creative limits, each of us endeavoring to listen as well as we speak, trying to remain nimble and open despite our pet passions and fleeting panaceas. And all the while doubling back to braid and re-braid Rosslyn’s tresses, weaving welcoming words and tailoring photographs into some semblance of an invitation…
What do you think?