Hope you were able to celebrate and take time for gratitude yesterday. And today. As with most holidays, I find myself thinking that we should dedicate longer than a day to giving thanks. Maybe a week? Even that seems too brief a time to honor everyone (wild neighbors included) who adds value and happiness, health and wisdom, balance and compassion, laughter and beauty, and so much more to our lives.
Today, the day after official Turkey Day, I send you a feast of Thanksgiving thanks, from our family to yours.
In the photo above we’re just about to come inside for a bountiful family feast. What? You say that doesn’t look like Rosslyn? True enough. This year our gratitude is being celebrated in Santa Fe. (But that turkey at the top of this post was celebrating his wild freedoms mere feet from Library Brook. As were those in the photo below, one year ago.)
What do you think?