This day of thanks reminds us to reach out to those we hold dear, to interrupt our journeys and affirm our gratitude to family and friends who enrich our lives, to be humble and honest and appreciative for everyone and everything that makes our lives, work, and wellbeing possible. Over the years, almost 2 decades, our home has hosted this and many other holidays, Rosslyn has helped us celebrate so many others, has helped us show our gratitude to family and friends who add meaning and joy and opportunity to our lives. Yet only now am I remembering to thank her, and so on this day, Thursday, November 28 I pronounce a long overdue Thanksgiving for Rosslyn.

Besotted by this property some 20 years ago (and for all practical purposes, I’m still smitten today) I’ve nevertheless neglected her the rightful praise and thanks she deserves. Today marks my 851st daily dispatch — uninterrupted navel gazing with an eye to articulating something insightful about my relationship with Rosslyn — and yet I’ve neglected one of the most obvious recognitions of all. Thank you, Rosslyn.
From that first-time Turkey day celebration through the present, I retroactively inaugurate these feasts thirsty for thankfulness to you. Let them all be Thanksgiving for Rosslyn!
I’m… allowing my mind drift to back to that first Thanksgiving we celebrated at Rosslyn. It was actually one day before the official Thanksgiving holiday, but we had decided to celebrate together as a crew. The team had been working on our… rehabilitation project for over a year. And many had been working for us on a previous project as well, but we’d never celebrated a holiday together… That year everyone wanted to add on a special pre-Thanksgiving celebration, and we loved the idea. After all, we were unbelievably grateful to everyone who was working long hours, often in challenging conditions, to help transform our ever-evolving vision into reality. (Source: 2007 Thanksgiving Remembered)
Rosslyn, you’ve brought together so many, gathered us all into your embrace for sunrises and sunsets, for hard work and for victorious celebration.
From our early days at Rosslyn… through recent, more peripatetic “Thanksgiving Thanks”, this holiday has resonated more than others for us. We’ve never lost sight of how many people have invested their time and energy and hope in our quest to revitalize this property. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who has shared this dream with us. We are forever grateful. (Source: Happy Thanksgiving)
And to the home, the property, the benevolent-but-mischievous spirit we call Rosslyn, I hope you know how vital you’ve been to us and to the many we hold dear. Today, Thanksgiving for Rosslyn, we salute you.
Thanksgiving is a reminder of the good fortune Rosslyn has brought upon us. (Source: Thanksgiving)
Through setbacks and accomplishments, you have designed over our little family. You have warmed us and cooled us, protected us and turned us out for adventure. You’ve been the hub of our little family, and a home for our sprawling family of friendship relations.
Thank you. Better late than never. Happy Thanksgiving for Rosslyn. Cheers! 
What do you think?