In keeping with the spirit of the last few days, I would like to honor a recent, but indispensable member of our team. Thank you, Glen Gehrkins.

Although Thanksgiving Day 2023 may have come and gone, I have decided to extend this holiday into a season of thanks and giving, allowing as long as it may take in order for me to properly pay my respects to the skilled and generous contributors ensuring Rosslyn’s vitality. A season?!?!
I find myself thinking that we should dedicate longer than a day to giving thanks. Maybe a week? Even that seems too brief a time to honor everyone… who adds value and happiness, health and wisdom, balance and compassion, laughter and beauty, and so much more to our lives.
(Source: Thanksgiving Thanks)

In short, I’m too long overdue for the sort of proportionate and individualized recognition that so many deserve. I’ve decided it’s high time I remedy that, working backwards from the present.
I’ve shared a couple of individual Thanksgiving, inspired posts recently… There are more in store. I’m hoping to showcase others who’ve been team working doggedly, day-after-day in the last year or two. As the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished!
(Source: Happy Thanksgiving)
In the days and weeks ahead, I will endeavor to intersperse individualized encomia with my quotidian updates.

Without further ado, let’s turn to Glen Gehrkins (a.k.a. “Pickles“). During the height of last winter/spring’s icehouse rehab, Eric Crowningshield reached out to ask if we’d like to onboard a part-timer with lots of painting experience.
“You bet,” I hastened, given the timeline crunch we were all beginning to feel. “What’s his name?”
“Well, people call him Pickles,” Eric chuckled.
My imagination conjured a less than serious character given the whimsical nickname, but I would soon revise my misconception.

Glen’s painting skills quickly proved a perfect match for us. As evident as his dexterity with the brush were his many other virtues: adept problem-solving, attention to detail, efficient and consistent organization, A+ communication, and a remarkable ability to learn new skills.
Needless to say, we leaned on Glen more and more as weeks turned to months. Although temporary / part time status was determined by his career as a recruiter and human resource manager, Glen’s productivity and collegiality lead us to solicit more and more of his time.

Little by little, Glen agreed to amplify his scope of work beyond painting (and his tenure beyond spring). Half a year after first assisting us with a little painting, he’s tackling more and more ambitious projects. As an owner of an 1800s farmhouse that he meticulously restored over the years, his skillset is relevant and diverse, his ingenuity is impressive, and his learning curve is practically vertical. It’s been a tremendous privilege to be able to rely on Glen so much and so often.
In short, we’ve been incredibly fortunate to benefit from Glen’s abilities and initiative. Today I express my unabashed gratitude (and my hope that he will stick with us a little longer!)
Thank you, Glen.
What do you think?