Thanksgiving for Rosslyn

Reawakening home (and revitalizing ourselves!)
Wrapping up the autumn harvest season and hurtling headlong into winter, Thanksgiving always reminds me of the first “Turkey Day” we celebrated at Rosslyn back in 2007.
It was actually one day before the official Thanksgiving holiday, but we had decided to celebrate together as a crew. The team had been working on our Rosslyn rehabilitation project for over a year… but we’d never celebrated a holiday together. That year everyone wanted to add on a special pre-Thanksgiving celebration, and we loved the idea… The potluck was a fun mix of dishes contributed by everyone… The meal was delicious, and the various toasts and roasts filled the room with laughter… (Source: 2007 Thanksgiving Remembered)
From that collective honoring (and teasing) celebration up through the present, Thanksgiving is a reminder of the good fortune Rosslyn has brought upon us.
As with most holidays, I find myself thinking that we should dedicate longer than a day to giving thanks. Maybe a week? Even that seems too brief a time to honor everyone (wild neighbors included) who adds value and happiness, health and wisdom, balance and compassion, laughter and beauty, and so much more to our lives. (Source: Thanksgiving Thanks)
And we can’t think of Thanksgiving (or Christmas) without a nod to one of the Davis family traditions, our go-to comfort food a day after a big turkey dinner…
Most families enjoy revered meals steeped in nostalgia and embraced generation after generation. And yet my family’s most traditional comfort food, corn cakes and turkey gravy, provokes looks of bewilderment and lame excuses when I invite friends to experience meal. (Source: Corn Cakes and Turkey Gravy)
The posts below offer a scrapbook look into Thanksgiving at Rosslyn. Cheers!