Home as Haven: Calm Refuge in a Restless World

Reawakening home (and revitalizing ourselves!)
Rosslyn has helped me understand that “the experience of homecoming is perhaps one of the best barometers for indicating where (and with whom) we feel most at home.” In my quest to better understand the notion of home (ie. “homeness“) I’ve discovered that this individually unique, profoundly personal feeling that draws us like a magnet — yet which defies easy identification — is an essential characteristic, perhaps *THE* essential characteristic of how we recognize homeness. Homecoming is that ineffable yearning prior to arrival, and it’s that comforting, even euphoric, state we experience upon arrival. This discovery has lead me to conclude that our individual notions of home are not necessarily limited to a physical place. “Homecoming is in no small part a return to those we love, those who represent homeness.”