There’s something about the primordial power of fire that simultaneously stimulates and soothes me. Flames dancing, warming, popping, and hissing. So sunset from the fire pit — fire near and fire far — offers an especially stimulating and soothing soothing energy to a weekend.

Please join me next to the fire pit to enjoy a Saturday night sunset. Faces and voices emerge and evanesce in the lyrical light of the flickering flames. We are drawn together, coalescing for a while, braiding together our stories, gazes gathered to a shared mirage above the embers, letting go of the week and the worry.

Daylight fades. Distant sunset yields to the bonfire in our midst. Collectively we exhale angst, and we’re left with laughter. Bonfire bonhomie. Optimism. Togetherness.

Thanks for joining me for a Saturday sunset from the fire pit. Mesmerizing, isn’t it? Medicinal. Let’s do this again. Soon. 
What do you think?