This time of year, right smack dab in the middle of mud season, it’s tempting to kindle optimism from the faintest flickers of springtime. The lime green tip of a crocus shoot emerging from still chill soil. Canada geese migrating north, settling onto Rosslyn’s waterfront for some revitalizing rest before continuing their journey. The first swelling of fruit tree buds readying blossoms and leaves for the growing season ahead. And that transcendent spring glow that sunrise can paint across Rosslyn’s front facade.

Yes, we’re still a little short of spring‘s official start but March is a mercurial month, winter one day, spring the next. It’s a time of flux. Optimism and heartbreak. Some moments like this invite us to stop and savor the spring glow. Snowflakes will likely return, and frost are far from over. But the morning’s rapture emanating from the far shores of Lake Champlain offers timely reassurance that our world is awakening once again.

Such hopeful signs of spring balance winter’s lingering presence.
What do you think?