Notice something peculiar about our clapboard siding installation?

Typically windows (and doors) would be installed before siding. And before trim. It works better. For lots of reasons.

But… We’ve added an extra challenge. Not by choice. Our timeline on this project, reasonable last summer, became more compressed as summer slid into autumn and then yawned into winter. A lot, a LOT has happened over the past 4-5 months. But the finish line is swiftly approaching. Think three and a half months.

We had hoped to initiate the custom window and door order last August. And then last September. But it wasn’t until October that the contract was inked and the deposit was paid. In 20+ years of renovating, I’ve never witnessed a blame game that successfully accelerated a timeline, so I’ll sidestep reasons for a late start (and the many months long delivery schedule) to explain that windows won’t arrive until early May. Doors will start to trickle in next week, but windows will arrive in the final weeks of this project! How exactly that’s going to work out remains an anxiety inducing mystery. But at least you can understand the upside down sequence. Siding now. Windows later. Trim at the 11th hour!

Wish. Us. Luck. Or better yet, come help us in May!
What do you think?