September 1 should logically be indistinguishable from August 31. But it’s not. Seasonality along the Adirondack Coast is irrefutable, and possibly no season-to-season transition more apparent than the one we’re now experiencing. “Septembering” is neither sly nor subtle. Hot and humid yesterday. Crisp and chilly today. There are nuances aplenty to anticipate and enjoy in the weeks ahead, but this moment is our reminder. Summer is in retreat. Autumn is advancing.

Septembering Haikus
There’s something ineffable about Septembering, but anyone who’s dwelled a spell in the North Country is familiar with this shift. Temperature and barometric shift are obviously part of it, but it’s also the changing light, daylight duration, and the abundant harvest. So much colorful harvest to tempt us. And that magical sweetening of fruit in the orchard and the vineyard. Best step aside and let sparse haiku convey what I’m stumbling over.
Seasonal surreal:
autumnal art, alchemy,
tart transformation.
— Geo Davis
Dusky zinnias,
harvest-ready to welcome
arriving houseguests.
— Geo Davis

Sweet, Surreal Seasonality
This time of year we harvest fresh bouquets of garden-to-vase blooms to welcome our guests to ADK Oasis, our lakeside vacation rental. These colorful zinnias offered this afternoon’s new arrivals a cheerful invitation to unwind and revitalize! There’s something almost garish about zinnias, the decadence of color, the abundance of petals. They are the quintessential child’s illustration of a flower in my opinion. An explosion of colorful petals to balance the creeping autumn umber.

Grapevines too offer a sweet is slightly surreal portrait of seasonality. Days ago these bursting fruit were too tart too eat. I’ve been tasting. And puckering. But cool night catalyze the sugars as if awakening deep memories of what grapes might taste like. This morning I ate dozens of grapes. The perfect play of tart and sweet.

What do you think?