Sometimes Saturday sun and snow and slooowing down amount to a mini vacation. A revitalizing reboot alchemized by simple ingredients. An extended mindfulness meditation. A mindless meander in breathtakingly, beautiful environment with those I love. An opportunity to unplug and unwind and… just be.

The snapshot from another Saturday, sun snd snow centering my focus in place of punch-list productivity. It was February 22, 2014. The lake was frozen. The ferry was traversing its chilly channel. Mallards paddled the icehouse duck pond ensured by the ice eater circulating lake water 24×7 day after day, week after week.
So, yes, some differences between the sun and snow Saturdays separated by 11 years. (If 13 is considered a “baker’s dozen”, what is 11 considered?) Lake Champlain remains mostly unfrozen, but McNeil Cove has iced over interrupting ferry service for nearly a week. Ducks are plentiful, but they are not limited to a small pond.
Too many words when a photo will do. Cheers!
What do you think?