What happens when a storyteller writes a book? When a talker becomes a typer? When the audience’s laughter, sighs, snoring, heckling and applause vanish? When margins and page count provide only the most porous parameters?
I’ll tell you what. Story glut. Plot inflation. Unchecked character sprawl…
What: Redacting Rosslyn Redux When: 8:00pm, Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Where: The Depot Theatre, Westport, NY
For the past year I’ve been writing and revising a memoir about the four years that Susan and I spent renovating the W.D. Ross property in Essex. I’ve discovered that building a book is a bit like rebuilding an old house. No matter how great the bones, how stunning the view, how well preserved the architecture and design, and no matter how clear and enticing the goal, you can’t do it by yourself.
In the case of our home it took the world’s most intelligent, beautiful and stubborn wife plus a vast community of contractors, carpenters, advisors, family and friends to rebuild Rosslyn. In the case of my book it will take your laughter, your sighs, your heckling (and even your prodding and booing and advising) to build Rosslyn Redux.
Please join me at 8:00pm on Wednesday, August 3 at The Depot Theatre in Westport for a solo performance of Redacting Rosslyn Redux, an evening of readings, storytelling and vignettes ranging from a wader-wearing Amazon named Rosslyn to a perennially pickled bathtub yachtsman. I’ll poke fun at the idiosyncrasies (and absurdities) of renovation, marriage and North Country life while plunging you into the creative process. Are you ready to help build a book?
You are invited to a reception in the lobby following the performance. All participants will be entered into a drawing for Essex gift certificates and Rosslyn Redux swag. All proceeds from this performance will be donated to The Depot Theatre. Here’s how to get tickets:
Depot Box Office: Call: 518-962-4449 Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 10am-10pm Saturday and Sunday from 12pm-10pm Tuesday and Wednesday from 10am-5pm Depot Online Ticket Sales: http://depottheatre.org/tickets
Thank you. I hope to see you!
Is this invitation to Depot this year’s or last?
This was for last summer’s event. I will be performing another standup storytelling event at the Depot Theatre this summer chronicling the 33 years of drama by the train tracks. Come!