More gatherers than hunters, Susan and I nevertheless admire (and protect) Rosslyn’s resident predators. In fact, much of this property’s 60+ acres comprise a wildlife sanctuary where native fauna and flora thrive. Among the most charismatic apex predators we witness regularly are red-tailed hawks. Today I offer you two recent sightings by Tony and Glen.

Almost exactly three months ago I reported on a grisly-but-fascinating “raptor repast” that Susan and I witnessed after a windsurfing and cloudburst doubleheader.
The raptor had returned to its repast. Nature. (Source: Raptor Repast Interrupted)
If you have a slightly morbid fascination with the predator-prey interplay of our native raptors you might enjoy that post.
If less action is your preference (at least of the visible dove tartare sort), today’s photographs capture the majesty of these magnificent birds without the gory reality of mealtimes.

Glen: Watched this hawk catch a couple mice today. Wasn’t deterred by the tractor at all. There were three the other day, only one today. I imagine the shorter grass means less hiding spots and better hunting.
Geo: That sounds about right. Amazing photograph. You seem to be so close.
Glen: I was. It was like we were working together. I moved some soil or branches… [with the loader] and he/she was waiting for mice to come running out.
Geo: Incredible. Did you ever see her/him catch and eat a mouse?
Glen: I saw a couple get snatched from the grass but my timing was awful with the video.
There you have it. Rosslyn raptors, fierce red-tailed hawks, savvily coexisting with Tony and Glen as they cross autumn chores of their punch lists.
And if red-tailed hawks are unfamiliar to you, here’s a jumpstart to your learning journey.
The red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) is a bird of prey that breeds throughout most of North America… It is one of the most common members within the genus of Buteo in North America… [and] is one of three species colloquially known in the United States as the “chickenhawk”… (Source: Wikipedia)
What do you think?