While every day is an important day, today is an especially significant milestone for me. But more on that tomorrow since I’d prefer to dedicate this personal benchmark to a celebration of our team whose collaborative accomplishment on the icehouse foundation made way for a significant subsequent uptick in productivity.
Since sometimes the best way to express something is to say as little as possible, I’m going to get out of the way and let the idea(s) speak for themselves.
Hence, I’ll offer you two excerpts, one from yesterday’s update, “Icehouse Rehab 4.5: Foundation Collaboration“, and the other from Close to the Wind by Pete Goss.
The combined concrete collaboration would be Pam, Peter, Hroth, Supi, and Tony. With everyone coalescing around one specific goal — completing the icehouse concrete… without blowing up the budget or timeline — the objectives were obvious, but so was the potential for challenges and setbacks. Imagine a metaphorical pressure cooker.
And now for the companion excerpt let’s see if anything resonates with this nautical vignette.
The interesting thing about an offshore trip on a small boat is that you untie more than the boat when you slip the mooring. The trappings and pretensions of rank and authority are soon stripped away. There’s nowhere to hide, and it can be a raw experience for some. Natural leaders come to the fore, and a pecking order emerges which is not necessarily the one in place prior to departure. What is important is that everyone feels they are making a contribution, whatever their skill or ability. This promotes a mutual respect which evolves into a healthy team spirit where rank ceases to matter. — Pete Goss (Close to the Wind)
Pick your metaphor — pressure cooker or small boat — these raw experiences promote mutual respect, camaraderie, in team spirit. I’m proud of our team for meeting the challenge and gathering together to celebrate their accomplishment.
What do you think?