I woke at 4:30 AM this morning, and by 5:00 I accepted that I wasn’t going to fall back asleep. My attempt at noiseless dressing unslumbered my bride briefly, but she mumbled back into hibernation as Carley and I pulled the bedroom door shut and headed down to breakfast. But, first things first. We headed outside for her morning constitutional, and it was then — upon exiting the mudroom and stepping into the deck — that my misty mysterious morning began.

That is what I saw. Enrapturing mist, at once spotlighting the tree flanked barns and muting almost everything else.
Softly at first, then more audibly, I heard the “singing underneath”.
Moody… Warm light, gently filtered. Colors few, but saturation intense. And mist. Ground-clinging, gossamer haze blurring the ground-to-trees transition. Mysterious. Mesmerizing. Beyond beautiful. (Source: Misty Sundown)
A morning message, mysterious but timely. Sometimes, you see, the universe rhymes.
The brouillard rolled in thick as whipped cream on a strawberry shortcake. (Source: Misty Mellowing)
As Carley circled and took care of business, I tilted my head upward and tried to absorb it all, the mysterious message like a mirage.
Minutes like these bend time. Blur boundaries. Blend sensations with memories and daydreams. Minutes like these — suspended between trees, between daytime and nighttime, between lived fact and read fiction, between vacation and school, vacation and work — invite wondering and wandering. Court questions more than answers. Remind us to linger a little longer, to let go, to yield. (Source: Mist Mingling Prose)
I lingered. I let go. I yielded to the mystery of the early morning mist.
Morning MistThe blurry brume clings to meadows beyond the barns. Leggy asters, wild parsnip, vetch, and tasseled grass, all swaddled, mirage-like in fuzzy-muzzy vapors. (Source: Misty Morning)
And for a few minutes, maybe longer, with Carley now at my side, looking at me looking at the barns — the carriage barn on the left and icehouse on the right — like some sort of apparition, like some sort of memory barely discernible from the blur beyond, I experienced a glimmer of recognition, of familiarity, of confidence, of conviction. And I chuckled.
Perhaps, soon,… the mist will melt away. And then, given a little perspective, I just might find the missing pieces. (Source: Misty Morning)
But first I row my dory out into the middle of Lake Champlain to watch the sun sear through the mysterious mist, rowing toward clarity, dorying toward mist-free confidence and conviction.

What do you think?