We’ve dealt with some unique challenges during Rosslyn’s icehouse rehab, and today’s post provides an inside glimpse into one of the workaround. The icehouse is a small building offering limited workspace. And while we’ve been able to take advantage of the carriage barn for workflows that aren’t adversely impacted by the cold, priming and painting thousands of linear feet of interior and exterior finish lumber requires temperature and moisture stability not currently available in the unheated carriage barn, nor outside during a North Country winter. The solution? Meet our makeshift workshop in a storage container!

We rented a pair of 20′ storage containers to supplement Rosslyn’s two outbuildings. One storage/shipping container is effectively functioning as a warehouse storing building materials, especially all of the architectural salvage that Pam and Tony inventoried and relocated from the icehouse early last autumn.

And today you get a glimpse inside the second storage container, presently serving as our temporary paint station. Steve and Kevin did an commendable job of setting up a makeshift workshop in storage container number two. Add some heat, dehumidification, and a couple of hardworking painters, and… tada!
What do you think?