Some seven years ago these locust fence posts were transported to what was then the northwest corner of Rosslyn’s backland. But plans and property lines change, and this well intentioned pile has languished.

I took this photograph on February 1, 2017 as a visual reminder to execute or alter the plan. These fence posts (homegrown timber originally harvested by Mike Manzer, Jacob Sawitski, Jim Welch, John Schier, and Doug Decker) were split lengthwise by Jacob and Jim. Hard wood. Hard work!
In 2015 I’d begun to explore the possibility of acquiring adjoining land that would nearly double Rosslyn’s backland with an eye to increasing the buffer with Essex Farm, expanding our wildlife sanctuary, and allowing for more more trail building, and improving the route for a future CATs trail. The process had progressed by fits and starts, and by the time the photo was made we were finally on our way to merging a portion of the Tart property into Rosslyn.
So we stalled installation of the fence. Almost seven years later — looong after completing the real estate transaction — the locust fence posts are still laying in wait of service. Tomorrow we’ll inspect them and decide their fate… Better late than never?
What do you think?