Many new and exciting thresholds crossed today. Supi, Calvin, and Tony started the stone hardscape project. Peter and Justin installed the columns and book matched ash transition upon which they rest. We finalized the shower glass order, and we *almost* finalized the coffee bar countertop stone. Eric arrived at the halfway point in the bathroom garapa paneling. And Brandon started installing the wiring for the hot tub. What a day!
It’s pretty exciting yo be one step closer to our first soak in Rosslyn’s icehouse spa! Brandon and his assistant will be back first thing tomorrow to wrap up the preliminary wiring so that the slab can be poured later this week. Hot tub, wiring, concrete slab, and then… we’ll be one giant step closer to soaking our bones and celebrating.
Brandon has been for a couple of years as the electrician for the boathouse gangway / waterfront rehabilitation, the deck rebuild, and the icehouse adaptive reuse. He’s been a tremendous asset, problem solving mystery after mystery, and shoehorning his work into challenging intervals throughout all three projects.
We can’t wait to celebrate another finished project soon!
What do you think?