After a couple of months of ploddingly, almost imperceptibly, whittling away at the icehouse loft guardrails and stairway handrails, I’m finally in the homestretch. Aside from a few finishing touches, the handrails are 95% complete.
When I abbreviated the finish carpentry subcontractor’s employ (after months of onerous babysitting and a parade of broken promises), I accepted that I’d inevitably become the replacement finish carpenter.
It turns out I was clairvoyant.
![Loft Handrails [Almost] Complete (Photo: Geo Davis)](
Guardrail and handrail installation were more daunting than the cabinetry. I’d never attempted the process, and it’s actually relatively complicated… [I] ordered the necessary hardware [and oh-so many] sketches later — and considerably more math than my literary-centric brain prefers — I felt reasonably confident that I could execute the project. (Source: Loft Guardrail)
Always overconfident!
As it turns out, the experience was proudly rewarding. Also humbling. And taxing. And anxiety inducing. And patience testing. And surprisingly slow… But, mostly, it was deeply satisfying to inherit this project, troubleshoot the scope of work, research the various steps, and eventually complete — well, ALMOST complete since there remain a few remaining tasks to complete — the loft guardrails and stairway handrails.
![Loft Handrails [Almost] Complete (Photo: Geo Davis)](
I’ll delve a little deeper and share a more comprehensive photo overview soon. For now I’d just like to celebrate another small victory on the quest to rehabilitate Rosslyn’s icehouse. The icehouse stairway handrails are [almost] complete!
What do you think?