Saturday, a day for job dreaming, right? Or telemark skiing… That’s how I spent my day. But now it’s time to wax wordy about my dream job. Jobs? Hybrid job? A dream job spanning diverse occupations, vertically dissimilar vocations.
Let’s start with a few of the more obvious ingredients for my dream job. You can find me on the verbal-vegetal continuum somewhere between poetry pusher, organic gardener, creative nonfiction busker, holistic gardener, standup storyteller, landscape designer, English teacher, rewilding roustabout, boutique publisher, garden-to-table short order cook, live theater booster, and wild habitat advocate. That clears things up, right?
And to this recipe let’s add adventurous travel; outdoor activities like sailing, cycling, and skiing; and a mercurial creativity amalgam that bridges construction, renovation, historic rehabilitation, and maybe installation art.
I feel like I’m getting close. Let’s add an extra dash of teaching/coaching and creating/making/art.
So, what’s my dream job? I’ve not yet conjured a suitable title for this shapeshifting, multidisciplinary vocation. Extra credit if we can graft “pirate” into the title. Environmental Husbandry & Wordsmith Pirate? E.H.W. Pirate? Or shuffle the sequence to get a better acronym: Pirate of Husbandry of the Environment and Wordsmithing. P.H.E.W.?!?!
Maybe we’ll skip the title for now. And the jumbled job description. Besides, the more I think about it, the more I realize that I actually have my dream job! It’s just a little convoluted to explain…
What do you think?