As we advance upon the finish line — sometimes hurtling, sometimes inchworming — each of us is exercising our agility, stretching our purviews, and adapting to the evolving needs of the icehouse rehabilitation project. And, with the interior almost complete, I tip my gratitude cap to Peter whose been fabricating drawers and cabinet doors on-site without benefit of a dedicated shop space and with a steady parade of us juggling time on all of the same equipment that he’s using.
In the photo above Peter is milling parts for drawer fronts on the table saw. It’s a job site saw, not exactly the precision tool and feed table favored by custom cabinetry carpenters. This makeshift “wood shop” (aka Rosslyn’s carriage barn) is a revolving door of trades and tradespeople. And weeks of rain have only added to workspace congestion and challenges.
But Peter keeps smiling, never losing his temper or pulling rank. Forbearance and collegiality are his trademarks. And, as of late, that means conjuring face frame, drawer boxes, and drawer faces in the midst of a humming hurly-burly. And soon I’ll showcase the results.
Until then, thank you, Peter.
What do you think?