It would seem that the dog days of summer are upon us even earlier than usual. (And the cat days of spring are but a fading memory!) As the thermometer and barometer test their limits like curious puppies, Carley falls back on familiar favorites — doga and siestas — to regulate sultry summertime’s arrival.

Ever since Carley was a palm-able puppy she’s been a stretcher. Legs splayed out lengthwise behind her like a seal, she transforms into a looong, attenuated likeness of herself. Not quite Giacometti-esque, but not far off.
Doga (aka dog yoga) we’ve dubbed it, marveling at her joint flexibility. I’ve realized that at least part of the attraction is maximizing her body contact with a cool floor. Clever canine!

And then there are Carley’s summer siestas.
Hot? Check. Humid? Check…
[Carley’s go-to antidote is] a postprandial snooze. [Or two.] One could do worse than the dog days of summer! (Source: Dog Days of Summer)
There’s no doubt in my mind that hot humidity is a soporific. The languid pull is not unfamiliar to me. At all!
So I respect (and unabashedly envy) Carley’s summer siesta regimen. Which reminds me, I just might have time for a quick nap after waterskiing…

What do you think?