This evening I push your way another epistolary point of reference. Let’s allow that the miragelike rendering accompanying this post is a sort of divertissement, an inessential but hopefully entertaining diversion, offering a frozen puddle of optimism. On balance the substance of this interlude might be represented by the darkness framing the watercolor.

Dear Rosslyn
Since it’s been a while, let’s return to the impetus for my Dear Rosslyn letters, preparing for the eventual sale of our home. 
I’ve shared our decision to proceed with selling Rosslyn. There’s no rush since we’re still processing the full weight of our decision. Sure, the choice is bittersweet, but we believe that the indefinite interstice between offering our home for sale and actually finding and finalizing a sale with the perfect next owner will ease us into (and through) this transition. (Source: Dear Rosslyn: Preambulum)
At the outset I envisioned opening an epistolary dialogue with you, dear Rosslyn, a meditative goodbye to a much loved member of our family. I’ve come to realize that virtually all of the updates I’ve posted here since the beginning (almost 2k blog posts at present) might well be braided into my box of Dear Rosslyn letters. But how, I wonder, do I guide you to start at the beginning and reach your way forward?
For a while I flirted with the prospect of simulating discourse through a generative AI chatbot chatbot (“ChatGPT & ‘Dear John’ Letter Writing” and “Dear Johnning Rosslyn with ChatGPT”) to approximate a 2-way exchange of ideas. But a home is not a LLM chatbot, and a LLM chatbot is not a home. I continue to experiment, and I continue to be amazed (and sometimes startled) with the potential of generative AI in general and LLMs in particular. But my thinking has evolved. I’ve come to understand that I shouldn’t anticipate (or need) verbal participation from you, Rosslyn. Your interaction and engagement are and always have been nonverbal. And yet you’ve spoken to us in so many other ways.
Today’s interstitial update is intended as a subtle reset. It’s time to refocus and recommit for the next couple of months.
As you know, dear Rosslyn, I am more than 30 months into an introspective but haphazard and sometimes circular quest to understand my complex relationship with you, to begin letting go despite conflicted feelings, and to ensure that you understand our choice to move on is a reflection of our own evolution and wonderlust and in no way a reflection of any shortcoming on your part. We want you to know that you’ve been everything and more we could’ve hoped for. You’ve never failed us. Instead you’ve challenged, nurtured, and protected us. You’ve catalyzed our confidence and our curiosity, attributes that now guide us onward to new adventures and eventually a new home.
After these 30 months, I still have so many questions to answer, so many gaps to fill, and so many memories and artifacts to curate and preserve before advancing to the next chapter.
Our relationship with you, Rosslyn, has spanned almost 2 decades in which we’ve grown and changed, risked plenty and savored ample rewards, loved lots and lost loved ones, all the while learning from you and thriving in your attentive embrace.
Now that I’ve set my sights on concluding this quest by my fast approaching birthday, 1,000 days after starting out, I’m especially cognizant of the the days slip-sliding past. Even as I have doubled down, this new finish line looms larger and larger on the horizon. Less than three months to go at this point…
And so I have decided that it’s time to mine our early years with you, and not just memories as I’ve focused on over the last 2-1/2 years. It’s time to crack open the bottomless store of “Daily Munge” entries and dictations and poetry and notes. It’s time to fill in some of the gaps in order to ensure that you understand what and why I’m working through all of this. I would like to revisit the many conversations we had — you and I — between 2006 and 2009 when we became lost and discouraged, overwhelmed and drained of financial and psychological resources. I would like to clarify and affirm what I feel for you and for the impact you’ve had on us. And I would like to finally attempt what’s still left undone despite my intentions at the outset.
What do you think?