A flaneur at heart, I’m at my best when meandering. And this time of year meadow meandering is especially intoxicating. Blooms and butterflies, spotted fawns and nesting birds, everything vibrant and bursting with excitement! Today I offer you a splattering of daisies floating in a sea of green ferns.

Meadow Meandering
Whether cross-country skiing or snowshoeing through new fallen snow in winter, crunching through golden grass and fallen foliage in the autumn, or weaving through a sea of spring and summer wildflowers with hummingbirds thrumming past, meadow meandering is a sensual meditation.
Perhaps on a par with “forest bathing”? Phone turned off, schedule turned off deadlines turned off, mindfully wandering and wandering. Distant church bells, a nearby meadowlark. Vibrant green grass undulating in the breeze. And this perfect pocket of daisies sprinkled through a dense swale of ferns.
Daisies & Ferns
Polka dot, dot, dot,
a splattering of daisies
in a fern forrest.
And that slightly damp aroma of fertility with the faintest whisper of delicate perfume. Perfection.
What do you think?