Uncomfortable with a snapshot of coupling carrots? Too lewd, too lascivious for your otherwise omnivorous reading appetite? Fair warning then: it’d be best to abbreviate you’re browsing here. Do not read on. Do not scan further down this page. Thank me later.
Still reading? Good. Then I’ll assume you don’t take yourself too seriously. And I assume that you won’t be easily offended by my goofy take a tangle of carrots that appear to be coupling.  Though, they are not *really* coupling. At least, I don’t think they are. 

I hope you chuckled. Laughter, after all, is therapy, is medicine, is healthy and healing, and is clinically proven to be the single best remedy for smug austerity. Or so I’ve heard.
I’m reminded of a somewhat similarly inspired post a couple of years ago. 
The Impudent Carrot
If carrots unearthed
are caught coupling,
surmise that it might
augur auspicious.
If carrots unearthed
are gnarled in a fist
(except one flipped bird),
return the gesture.Garden humor to lighten the mood of your shortening days and lengthening nights. Levity is my go-to analgesic, and maybe, just maybe, I’m not the only one to be amused when pulling funny looking carrots out of the dirt.
In this case, thank you, Hroth Ottosen, for documenting your Rosslyn harvest with a visual poke in the ribs. (Source: The Impudent Carrot)
And while I’m not now including an image from that previous post (lest I distract from today’s curious cameo), you might wish to sneak a peek?
And I’ll conclude on this first Friday in October with another sneak peek, this one still germinal and decidedly vegetal…
Coupling Carrots
Is root vegetable
when a knee-high copse
of cool carrot tops
are pulled from the earth,
emerging as one
cluster of carrots?
It’s okay to chuckle. I promise! Enjoy your weekend. 
What do you think?