It was 55° this morning. Damp. Breezy. Autumnal. A precursor, perhaps, to cooler days ahead. Or an anomaly. Either way, plenty of heat and humidity in recent weeks, so a deep dip on the thermometer is pretty welcome. My morning bike ride felt amazing, a revitalizing counterpoint to recent energy sapping conditions. Upon my return, I discovered Carley, cool and cozy in the screen porch waiting for me. You can tell she’s pretty pleased with the weather change!

Was it the coldest morning since late spring? Sure felt like it. 
A new weather pattern is about to unfold across the Northeast… with some folks getting a true taste of fall by midweek… [By Tuesday expect…] cooler, less humid air to settle overhead throughout most of the week.
“A large, slow-moving area of high pressure will move down from Canada during the early part of the week, bringing an extended period of dry and very pleasant weather to the Northeast and mid-Atlantic,” explained AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Brian Thompson. (Source: AccuWeather)
Dryer and cooler will definitely be pleasant. But yesterday’s waterski run reminded me that there’s a downside. The lake temperature has plunged about 5° over the last few days. Bbbrrr…

According to weather wonks, chilly conditions won’t last for long. By Friday or Saturday we’ll hit just shy of 80° for the daily high once again. In the meantime, I’m following Carley’s lead. Bundling up. Long sleeves and long pants for the first time in a long while. And now I’m cool and cozy in the icehouse, anticipating a hot tub soak and a restful night’s sleep with our windows wide open and chilly gray treefrogs lullaby-ing.
What do you think?