As we hurdle toward the homestretch on the icehouse rehab I find myself re-visiting and fine-tuning finish details to accommodate subtle discrepancies between plans and field conditions. Or sometimes it’s just a matter of little tweaks that pop up as envisioned and imagined circumstances metamorphose into reality. Today I’ve sketched a new iteration, a little bit of experimentation with the built-in coffee bar cabinetry.
Details, details, details… Making micro adjustments up until the last moment. But it’s almost time to fabricate the coffee bar built-ins, so it’s the last chance for fine tuning!

Coffee Bar Cabinetry, As Drawn (Source: Tiho Dimitrov)
I’ve cropped the detail above from Tiho’s plans so you can identify the coffee bar cabinetry near the bottom middle. The opportunity and challenge with custom carpentry/cabinetry is to tailor the design precisely to the larger aesthetic context and the specific needs. Integration, cohesion, and function in perfect harmony! It’s all in the details, and it’s starting to feel pretty close.

Coffee Bar Cabinetry, Fine Tuning… (Source: Geo Davis)
My quick field sketch above alters the right niche from 2 to 3 shelves, and the left niche gets enclosed with a cabinet door similar to the one beneath the bar sink. And under the countertop, I am reconfiguring the spaces spacing to accommodate a small bar fridge. Under the counter, I’m reconfiguring spacing to accommodate a small bar fridge instead of microwave. We are relocating an historic cherry China cabinet from the house into the icehouse, and it will be located exactly where the fridge was originally intended yo be. This small change simplifies design and streamlines space flow, so it’s a win-win-win. Or so it seems for now. I’ll take another swipe at it tomorrow and make a final decision.
What do you think?