We’ve been enjoying a visit from friends over the last few days. Their seven-year-old and 18-month-old infant filled Carley’s hours with joyful, energetic surprises. Of course, she’s overjoyed with all visitors, certain that they have come to play with her.  but she reserves a special enthusiasm for youngsters. And so, today when they pulled away, she moped, came upstairs to our bedroom, and tucked herself into a Carley curl on one of the window seats.
For hours. Melancholic and confused, I think. Why do visitors always eventually leave? 
There exists no more zealous dog than Carley when it comes to warm welcomes. A priori.
But the Carley curl is a reminder that the counterpoint to her celebratory greetings is almost despondent leave takings.
She dislikes goodbyes. At first denial, then dejected acceptance, then lingering melancholy.
We try to distract her. To love her up. To pamper her. And eventually it works. But u til it does, heart heavy, mien forlorn, esprit sapped, she turns inward for a while. The Carley curl. A healing posture…
What do you think?