We observe lots of celebrations in our family — revitalizing rituals, gratitude boosters, annual reminders to imagine and reimagine, gatherings to honor family and friends, and impromptu let’s-laugh-and-dance-just-for-the-heck-of-it fêtes — but birthdays are especially significant. And today is the most important of all, the day we salute my birthday bride.

What a love, what a life, what an adventure it’s been. Thank you. And happy, happy birthday, Susan!
Every day of our journey together has been unpredictable and wonder-filled, passionate and poignant. You are my person, my poem, my love, my partner, my companion. Susan, you’re everything I didn’t even know to look for, the confidence to my curiosity, the answer to my questions. You’re my best friend and my most enthusiastic cheerleader. Thank you.
Here’s to another larger-than-life year! Happy birthday. (Source: Happy Birthday, Susan!)
The image I would like to illustrate this post — Susan’s silhouette against a dramatic Lake Champlain sunrise like the one below, chin slightly elevated, statuesque jawline and neck, smile apparent even when abstracted black against a festive sky — does not exist. Yet. Though it certainly does in my imagination.

Perhaps soon. Until then I applaud my adventurous birthday bride with a carefree Easy Rider memory and another silhouette, Rosslyn’s boathouse twelve years ago today.
I toast you, Susan. Cheers to another jolly journey around the sun!
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