Just as there’s a time for asparagus (and tulips and dandelions and radishes and maple syrup and…) there’s a time for artichokes. As it’s only just beginning, today’s post is more of a prelude, an artichoke time prequel.

Look at those healthy artichoke starts ready to transplant into Rosslyn’s garden! We were actually ready a week ago, but the damaging cold snap tempered our enthusiasm. So we postponed planting until we’re confident that temperate weather is here to stay.

At this point, we’re probably safe, but a few more days of delay can’t hurt. We’re crossing our fingers and waiting to see if any of the frosted tomato plants recover, so at this point we’re experiencing the gardener-equivalent of “gun shy”, I guess.
Once these beautiful thistles are thriving in the ground, I will post an update. And then, the next magical moment will be the formation of the chokes!
What do you think?