As often, Aaron spent his Saturday at Rosslyn, whittling down the bottomless punch list. His demeanor, perseverance, and smarts are a perennial hat trick, but his arboreal aptitude has proven again and again to be one of his superpowers. Yesterday and today his whittling was not metaphorical. High up — some 100’ to 120’ above the November earth — in a three stemmed ash tree, he managed to methodically navigate like an acrobat while literally cutting and carefully dropping section after section from ether to earth.

Aerial Arborist
Limbs of man and tree
interlaced, silhouetted:
aerial tree work.
I doff my proverbial hardhat to the aerial arborist performing this deliberate, gravity defying art. Thank you, Aaron.
And laurels too for the photographer who documents all Rosslyn doings if/when my back is turned. Spectacular images! Thank you, Pam.

We will all rest easier when this round of tree work is complete. Until then, stay focused and stay safe!
What do you think?