Sometimes in September, we’re still wakesurfing. Once upon a time we actually continued watersports right until the end of October, breaking ice off of the boat cover, cocooning ourselves in layers of fleece, mittens, and hats… But that hasn’t happened for a few years. So today’s ADK surfing superhero snapshot is, in fact, an illusion several times over. More than a decade old, this photo was taken by Susan while Champlaining with Amy and Brian on August 17, 2013. And, despite all indications to the contrary, that’s actually just me, not a superhero (though it’s clear I was feeling pretty super!)

And, my friends, it is precisely that feeling, the high of watersports on our favorite lake, that flooded my mid October soul with a euphoric wave when Susan came upon this decade-old photo. Ah, Champlaining!
A common refrain, “Stop Champlaining!” is actually a lighthearted reminder that even on the clunkiest of days, time spent plying (or playing i/on) the waters of America’s greatest lake is a revitalizing gift.
Swimming. Sailing. Speedboating. Windsurfing. Wakesurfing. Waterskiing. Bonfiring… (And even when we’re fortunate enough to have a winter freeze so that we can skate and cross-country ski on the lake!)
Champlaining is a term of lighthearted gratitude for the immense good fortune that so many of us enjoy in, on, and near the greatest of American lakes, Lake Champlain. (Source: Champlaining)
At the time of those previous observations, I also composed and shared a quick haiku.
Champlaining Haiku
In-on Lake Champlain,
even the clunkiest of days,
revitalize bliss.
Yes, it’s that good.
And ADK surfing, freshwater surfing behind a powerboat (aka wakesurfing) exists in our collective conscious as one of the most sublime flavors of Champlaining. Slower than waterskiing and oh-so silky, smooth. Social, in part because the vibe is so much more tranquil than other watersports, and in part because of the close proximity to friends in the boat with whom conversation is comfortable and natural. And, did I mention fresh water? Surfing in salt is sublime. No question. But surfing in freshwater? Revitalizing on every level. Plus you emerge clean, not sticky with seawater. No shower needed.
So, as we turn to autumn endeavors, preparation for snow sports, Susan’s 10 year old flashback to mid summer, to Champlaining, to ADK surfing has joyfully transported me. So much gratitude to have created our life in this perfect place. Amen.
What do you think?