Today I celebrate a 30 month milestone in this protean pursuit I’ve called daily old house journaling. A new blog post every day laying bare — or *essaying* to lay bare — our Rosslyn adventure (and misadventures).

30 months is many months, many days, to quest toward an uncertain and elusive end. Two and a half solar orbits. Too many, perhaps. 250% of my original goal…
A retreating finish line replaced my original objective of one year. 365 days of daily blogging about our home. Us and our home. Open book. To the world. No pretense of perfection. No apologies. Frequent fumbles. Digging in and holding myself to account. Publicly. Inside out. Outside in. Honesty, humility, and sometimes self-conscious discomfort. Curiosity uncloaked. Plein air experimentation.
But my original year timeline wasn’t sufficient. I failed to find what I was looking for. So I doubled down. I stretched my horizon further out, another year. 
Today marks my 731st consecutive Rosslyn Redux daily update. Two years. 24 months. 200% of my original goal. Blogging every single day. Deep-diving into my relationship (and sometimes *our* relationship) with Rosslyn.
As I reflect on my initial 365 day goal, my reluctance to curtail the quest after a year, and my decision to double down for a second year, I marvel at my confidence that this half-baked endeavor would render meaningful results. (Source: 24 Month Milestone)
I shared that update six months ago. There was a degree of pride and hard earned confidence that successfully committing myself to this daily endeavor had been fruitful, was still fruitful. But the quest remained incomplete.
So I extended again. How long? I wasn’t really certain. But yesterday’s daily dispatch marked the completion of another half year. Still no closure. No conclusion. But with 30 months under my belt, the clouds have cleared, have been replaced with sun-soaked clarity. A realistic horizon has become visible.
Three more months we’ll make 1,000 days. This finish line coincides with my birthday. Hopefully a propitious omen.
And so I mark this 30 month milestone with a commitment to complete this adventure within the next three months. Hold me to it? (And thanks for sojourning with me!)
What do you think?